Accessibility is operated by VidaVia Media S.L. and together are referred to in this policy as AA.

AA take accessibility very seriously and have everything to try and make our website accessible. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions about our website, please contact through our Contact Us page. The AA website has been designed to tyr to adhere to W3C accessibility guidelines, for both XHTML and CSS.

Text Size

You should be able to use your browser's viewing preferences to alter the size of the text on all pages. Please contact us if you still find anything hard to read.

Colours - High Contrast

We are providing high contrast options for better viewing. Please contact us if you still find anything hard to read.

Text Only

This website is mainly text-based or forms-based and does not have much in the way of pictures - so we have not yet added a text-only feature. If you are having difficulties with the website please let us know.


Browsealoud is software that reads the text on a website simply by scrolling the mouse over the required text. It is free to download and install onto your computer. To download the software please go to: